Create a Task and Start it Later

I was working on something recently where I wanted to define a task, but not run it immediately. I couldn’t find much useful information about this, so I decided to write about it, once I figured it out.

In the end, it took quite a bit of time to get this working the way I wanted, so it should save time for the next person.

What I want to do

I want to create a task that will call a method, but not invoke the method when I create the task. I want to make the decision about starting the task later. Effectively, deferring the execution of the task.

Why? There are some interesting cases where adding tasks to a cache, list, or dictionary can be very helpful. I’ll blog about them soon, but I want to lay out the principle first.

The method to run

I have a simple method that takes an int, returns a string, and runs asynchronously.

async Task<string> DoWorkAsync(int number)
    Console.WriteLine($"Running DoWorkAsync with a {number} second delay");
    DateTime started = DateTime.Now; 
    await Task.Delay(number * 1000);
    return $"Started at {started:HH:MM:ss}, finished at {DateTime.Now:HH:MM:ss}. This value took {number} seconds to generate";

Nothing complicated there, but representative of any method you might have because it accepts a parameter, returns something, and runs asynchronously. Things are a bit simpler when there is nothing returned and it is synchronous, so the example should be cover the easier and harder cases.

Creating the task

Here’s how I create the task, but I don’t invoke it.

Task<Task<string>> taskToRunLater = new Task<Task<string>>(() => DoWorkAsync(3));

Note how I have new Task<Task<string>>. The outer Task will return Task<string>. This is because the method I want to run returns a Task<string>.

Then I pass the constructor of the first Task a Func using a Lambda that will return the Task<string>.

That’s the task setup.

If you run the application in a debugger and pause it after the above line, you will see that the task is not running yet.

Id = 1, Status = Created, Method = "System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.String] <<Main>$>b__0_0()", Result = "{Not yet computed}"

See how the status is Created and the result is Not yet computed.

Running the task

Time to start the task.


That’s it. The task is now running.

Waiting for the result

This is where it gets a bit interesting.

I first need to await the taskToRunLater, this will return Task<string>.

Then I need to await that.

Task<string> taskString = await taskToRunLater; // first await
string returnedString = await taskString; // second await to get the string I want 

Now I can use the string that was returned.

You don’t have to perform the awaits that way, they can be combined -

string returnedString = await await taskToRunLater;

Putting it all together

Here is the full source code -

 1Task<Task<string>> taskToRunLater = new Task<Task<string>>(() => DoWorkAsync(3));
 2Console.WriteLine("Task has been setup, now pausing for a second...");
 3await Task.Delay(1000);
 5Console.WriteLine("Starting the task...");
 8Task<string> taskString = await taskToRunLater;
10string returnedString = await taskString;
14async Task<string> DoWorkAsync(int number)
16    Console.WriteLine($"Running DoWorkAsync with a {number} second delay");
17    DateTime started = DateTime.Now; 
18    await Task.Delay(number * 1000);
19    return $"Started at {started:HH:MM:ss}, finished at {DateTime.Now:HH:MM:ss}. This value took {number} seconds to generate";
22Console.WriteLine("await-ing taskToRunLater again...");
23Console.WriteLine(await await taskToRunLater);

The output

Run the application and you will see the following output -

Task has been setup, now pausing for a second...
Starting the task...
Running DoWorkAsync with a 3 second delay
Started at 19:03:07, finished at 19:03:10 This value took 3 seconds to generate
await-ing taskToRunLater again...
Started at 19:03:07, finished at 19:03:10 This value took 3 seconds to generate

Next steps

I’m going to use this approach with caching, where I want to store the task in a cache, and only run it the first time the value is requested.

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