Polly with .NET 6, Part 1 - Dependency Injection of a Policy into a Controller

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Want to learn more about Polly? Check out my Pluralsight course on it.

If you are using .NET 6 with the traditional Startup.cs and Program.cs, you don’t need to change anything about how you are using Polly. It all works the same.

But if you are using the new “top-level” statements, there are some minor changes needed to handle the new way of accessing the service collection container.

Add the Polly NuGet package to you project -

dotnet add package Polly

In Program.cs add a using statement at the top -

using Polly;

Create the policy -

var httpRetryPolicy = Policy.HandleResult<HttpResponseMessage>(r => !r.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    .WaitAndRetryAsync(3, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(retryAttempt));

Add the policy to the service collection -


Those are all the changes needed.

Accessing the policy in the controller has not changed, so I won’t include it here, but the attached zip has a full example.

Download full source code.

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