Indexing the Works of Shakespeare in Elasticsearch - Part 2, Bulk Indexing

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Full source code available here, look inside the lambda folder.

This is part two of my series on indexing the works of Shakespeare in Elasticsearch. In part one I set up the infrastructure as code where I created all the necessary AWS resources, including the lambda that is used for indexing data in bulk. But in that post, I didn’t explain how the lambda works. Indexing in bulk is a more reliable and scalable way to index as it is easy to overwhelm small Elasticsearch instances if you are indexing a high volume of documents one at a time.

The Lambda

The code provided is based on an example from Elastic Co.

I add the AWS SDK and an Elasticsearch connector. The connector provides makes it possible to use IAM authentication when calling Elasticsearch.

 1'use strict'
 2const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
 6const { Client } = require("@elastic/elasticsearch"); // see here for more
 7const elasticSearchConnector = require('aws-elasticsearch-connector');
 9const client = new Client({
10    ...elasticSearchConnector(AWS.config),
11    node: "https://" + process.env.esUrl

The handler is simple, it reads the incoming records from Kinesis adds them to an array, and calls the bulk indexing method -

 1exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
 2    let dataToIndex = [];
 4    if(event.Records != null){
 5        event.Records.forEach(record => {
 6            let rawData = Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString("ascii");
 7            let obj = JSON.parse(rawData);
 8            dataToIndex.push(obj);
 9        });
11        if(dataToIndex.length > 0) {
12            indexDataInElasticSearch(dataToIndex, 'shakespeare'); // this could be passed in from via th stream data too
13        }
14    }
15    callback(null, "data indexed");
1async function indexDataInElasticSearch(dataToIndex, indexName) { 
2    console.log('Seeding...' + dataToIndex[0].Id + " - " + dataToIndex[dataToIndex.length - 1].Id);
3    const body = dataToIndex.flatMap(entry => [{ index: { _index: indexName, _id: entry.Id, _type: '_doc' } }, entry]);
4    const { body: bulkResponse } =   await client.bulk({ refresh: true, body });

That’s it, now all we need is a way of sending data to Kinesis, and that will be in the next post.

Full source code available here, look inside the lambda folder.

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