Customizing a specific string inside a class using AutoFixture

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I’ve been using AutoFixture for a while with my unit tests. It creates objects with prefilled data, saving me the hassle of manually constructing them.

Basic usage

If you want a string from AutoFixture do something like -

string myString = fixture.Create();

If you want to prefix the string do this -

string myPrefixedString = fixture.Create("Prefix");

If you want something that looks like an email address -

string emailAddress = fixture.Create().Address;

Where it starts to get a bit tricky is if you have a class like this -

public class Account
	public Guid AccountId { get; set; }
	public string Firstname { get; set; }
	public string Lastname { get; set; }
	public IEnumerable<string> EmailAddresses { get; set; }

Because I am using a string to represent an email address AutoFixture will give me a string, not an email address.

Here are two solutions.

Solution 1

fixture.Customize<Account>(c => c.With(a => a.EmailAddresses, fixture.CreateMany<MailAddress>().Select(ma => ma.Address.ToString())));
This produces emails that look like -

Solution 2

If I want to generate email address that look a little more like real world address I have to create a SpecimenBuilder.

 1    public class EmailAddressesStringSpecimenBuilder : ISpecimenBuilder
 2    {
 3        public object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context)
 4        {
 5            var propertyInfo = request as PropertyInfo;
 7            if (propertyInfo != null)
 8            {
 9                if (propertyInfo.Name == "EmailAddresses" && propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof (IEnumerable<string>))
10                {
11					// of course you can customize how the mail addresses are created, you can even use a fixture to create strings :) 
12                    IEnumerable<string> emailAddresses = new List<string>() {"", "", ""};
13                    return emailAddresses;
14                }
15            }
16            return new NoSpecimen();
17        }
18    }

How to use the customizations

1            Fixture fixture = new Fixture();
3			fixture.Customizations.Add(new EmailAddressesStringSpecimenBuilder());
4            // use one of the two customizations here, but not both
5			// fixture.Customize<Account>(c => c.With(a => a.EmailAddresses, fixture.CreateMany<MailAddress>().Select(ma => ma.Address.ToString())));
7            var account1 = fixture.Create<Account>();
8            var account2 = fixture.Create<Account>();
Full source code.

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