Making a column sparse with Entity Framework Migrations

I have a database built off code first models, but I want to set some of the columns to sparse. There isn’t a way to this with the fluent api or through annotations. But it can be done with a migration.

There are plenty of articles that show how to run a migration so I will not cover that here.

Instead I’ll just show what you need to add to a new migration, I’m calling the migration MakeAddressSparse, and include the below code.

 1public partial class MakeAddressSparse: DbMigration
 3   public override void Up()
 4   {
 5      Sql("alter table dbo.Address alter column [Address1] varchar(100) sparse null");
 6      Sql("alter table dbo.Address alter column [Address2] varchar(100) sparse null");
 7      Sql("alter table dbo.Address alter column [Zipcode] varchar(10) sparse null");
 8   }
10   public override Void Down()
11   {
12      Sql("alter table dbo.Address alter column [Address1] varchar(100) null");
13      Sql("alter table dbo.Address alter column [Address2] varchar(100) null");
14      Sql("alter table dbo.Address alter column [Zipcode] varchar(10) null");
15   }
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